New office in Turkey
Semillas Fitó continues its internationalization process with the expansion of its subsidiaries, with the aim of reinforcing and promoting a closer relationship between customers and workers. This is the case of the Turkish subsidiary, which has recently completed a process lasting more than two years during which all the facilities have been refurbished.
At the beginning of June 2018, the Semillas Fitó R&D&i team in Antalya started the move to a new breeding station located in Kurşunlu, northwest of Antalya, which ended in July 2020, when the office staff moved into the new location which will provide the subsidiary with a more productive and modern working environment.
We spoke with Süleyman Hilmi Mercan (farm manager), Utku Ersoy (Vegetable Seeds Area Manager) and Leandro Domínguez (Corporate Partner) so they could tell us about the benefits of these changes:
What do you think of the new breeding station and new office?
Süleyman: Considering that we spend a third of our lives in the workplace, it provides a productive environment during the time we spend at work. I feel that the bond with Semillas Fitó, the company I work for, is now much stronger. It's nice to be part of a team that works so well. People benefit not only from their personal success, but also from the success of the company they work for, and they are proud of it. Everyone wants to work and produce in an environment where they are happy.
Utku: I feel comfortable in the new office. It's so quiet that I can concentrate much better here while working. We are working together with the breeding team in the new office, which has created a more harmonious environment and facilitates collaboration between the sales and breeding teams. If we need help or some form of cooperation, it is very easy to approach the other team. And we can also organize meetings at any time.
Leandro: We have been working on this project for 2 years. When we started, we thought it was going to be easy, but as we progressed with the details, we realized it was a more important project than we initially thought. Also, it was going to be the place where our employees would work, so we wanted it to be nice and comfortable. I feel that despite all the obstacles, we’ve done a good job. There was a lot of teamwork, we were all fighting for a common objective, and this has been the most fulfilling part.
What does this change mean for the Turkish team?
Leandro: It has not been easy to find a suitable location for the breeding station in Turkey, so it took us quite some time to get the Turkey breeding and growing team to work in a nice office. But we have finally achieved it. I can say that the team is very happy with the new facilities. And I can also say that the company is happy to be able to offer a work environment like this.
What do you think our customers will think about the new facilities?
Süleyman: The customer who comes here will feel comfortable and more valued by seeing a clean, tidy and beautiful workplace. Their impression of the company will be positive.
Utku: When our customers visit the station and office, they see that we are a strong and professional company. They really like our new space.
Semillas Fitó currently has ten subsidiaries around the world and a direct presence in 10 other countries. The company's internationalization strategy is based on proximity, one of the differentiating values of the company whose vocation is to work closely with farmers to help them develop their business through seeds adapted to the local terrain and climate.
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