R&D&I is considered one of the pillars of growth of Semillas Fitó, with a budget of more than 20% of annual turnover and employing 39% of the company's global workforce.
We have 10 R&D&I centres:
7 for Vegetable Seeds:
Cabrera and Almería (Spain), Sicily (Italy), Antalya (Turkey), Culiacán (Mexico), Bangalore (India) and Florida (USA).
3 for Field Crops:
Lleida and Don Benito (Spain) and Delley (Switzerland).
At Semillas Fitó we distinguish between three phases in the R&D&I process:
Biotechnology, Plant Breeding and Development.
Both to carry out research projects, as well as to provide services the breeders and other departments. An important biotechnology laboratory was opened in 2007 for this in Cabrera de Mar (Barcelona), made up of three departments:
Cell biology
We have seven breeding stations for vegetable seeds and three for maize and sunflower. In addition, we have established collaboration contracts with breeding institutes for forager and turfgrass.
Whether in our Breeding stations, Trial Centres or with collaborating Farmers, Semillas Fitó has dozens of locations spread over four continents directly supervised by our managers and development technicians.
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Semillas Fitó Mexico
Blvd. José Diego Valadez N° 94
Pte., Desarrollo Urbano 3 Ríos
80020 Culiacán, Sinaloa
Tel.: +52 667-713-44-61 / +52 667-713-55-99