Semillas Fitó presents its new varieties inspired by consumers at Fruit Attraction
The Wabi-Sabi tomato and the Little Planet melon were the stars during our participation over the three days of the fair.
The latest edition of Fruit Attraction, held in Madrid from 4 to 6 October, was a great opportunity for Semillas Fitó to present its new launches inspired by consumers, as well as to continue promoting the close relationship we have with our customers and collaborators.
For Semillas Fitó, participation in this international fair, which is growing every year, allows us to:
- Increase brand awareness and present the company's new launches.
- Maintain a close relationship with all our target segments, from farmers to large retail outlets.
- Bring together the Spain and Portugal sales teams to continue working on our four company values: professionalism, long-term vision, teamwork, and proximity.
- Deploy our mission so we can generate sustainable wealth throughout the entire agri-food chain.
“Veggies inspired by consumers”
This was the slogan used to present the different vegetable seed products that make up the Semillas Fitó catalogue, both the varieties intended for mass consumption and the Santa Claus melon and Cherry tomato varieties that form part of the Flavourite category, as the preferred verities by consumers after a taste test carried out by an external panel of experts.
New branded products
The Wabi-sabi tomato and the Little Planet melon, with its Ice Green flesh, were the true stars at the Semillas Fitó stand, fully supported by a new brand universe oriented to a specific target audience.
The Wabi-sabi variety combines the beauty of imperfection in its shape with a fantastic flavour. It is a perfectly imperfect fruit that manages to enhance the flavour of any dish and contributes to reducing food waste by encouraging consumers to overcome the psychological barrier that suggests that only symmetrical fruit is suitable for consumption.
The Ice Green flesh melon is presented under the Little Planet brand as a tasty, aromatic melon which targets family consumption by adults and children. Its innovative green flesh is slowly winning over consumers, who little by little are discovering this new product and its excellent flavour.
For Semillas Fitó, participating at Fruit Attraction is very important, as it allows us to position ourselves at the epicentre of the agri-food sector, from where we are able to listen to the needs of our customers, better understand the demands of end consumers and adapt our products to offer better solutions to the market.
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Blvd. José Diego Valadez N° 94
Pte., Desarrollo Urbano 3 Ríos
80020 Culiacán, Sinaloa
Tel.: +52 667-713-44-61 / +52 667-713-55-99