In recent years, Semillas Fitó has launched cucumber varieties that have been recognized for the excellent quality of the fruit: shape, colour and post-harvest performance Today, thanks to our research, Fitó incorporates field resistance and plant morphology that makes these cucumbers especially tolerant and healthy..

SmartQ ensures fruit quality in a more resistant plant.
SmartQ varieties have developed a polygenic plant resistance against the (Cucurbit Yellow Stanting Disorder Virus), which means that the plant has a higher natural resistance in the field.
Thus, SmartQ lines develop plants with short internodes; smaller side shoots and darker, smaller leaves; more horizontal leaf orientation; smaller flowers and more flowers per internode; and shorter fruits.

The goal of Dutch cucumber breeding is to cross the new SmartQ lines with traditional lines such as those used in Estrada, which already result in very high fruit quality. In this way, new varieties are obtained that maintain high quality, improving plant health, resistance to viruses and yield.

See the varieties of the SmartQ range: MITRE, TEJO, DRAGO, ENCINA, ESTRADA
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Semillas Fitó Mexico
Blvd. José Diego Valadez N° 94
Pte., Desarrollo Urbano 3 Ríos
80020 Culiacán, Sinaloa
Tel.: +52 667-713-44-61 / +52 667-713-55-99